“It has been on my list to write you to express how much I appreciate our time together. Your support was critical to me during a time I felt alone. I appreciate how you were supportive, nonjudgemental, caring and wise. I am confident you are helping others along their path, as you helped me. Thank you again and I wish you great success, joy and contentment.” — JD

“I have found DeDe’s coaching style to fit well with my needs both professionally and interpersonally. She provides a road map without impeding the journey or controlling the destination. This map has allowed me to find my way to understanding myself as a supervisor, a team leader and a person. She has allowed me to honor and recognize my strengths and face my challenges. Her coaching has improved my effectiveness and confidence as a leader.” — BC

“Ms. Esque’s work with our team has been helpful to our entire group. She is organized, insightful, flexible and genuine. She takes the time to research and prepare before a group session in order to bring something truly unique to the interaction. She is seen as a neutral facilitator, a valuable asset during difficult discussions and conflict. Team members appreciate the care she has taken to get to know them and move the team forward toward our goals. I would highly recommend Ms. Esque as a coach for your team.” — BC